
If we were an arriving international student, we think it would be great to know and correspond with other international students who will study at the University of Cincinnati (UC) at the same time as you. So, what we propose here, at UC, is this website, where you can practice your English and correspond with other international students as well as your future English teachers.

We hope this will help your transition to life at UC when you arrive. It’s true that knowing and corresponding with your future classmates is exciting, but don’t forget that you and your future classmates have a job to do.

You and your fellow international students are going to work together to build a road in the region surrounding Cincinnati. This hypothetical road is a very real part of your English classes, which are mandatory for all incoming international students at UC. The report you turn in at the end of the project will be your first grade. Your active participation on the website’s forums is imperative to the success of your report and those of your classmates.

To put it simply: You won’t leave your country to come to UC for another month. However, your UC experience starts now!

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最終更新日時: 2012年 07月 10日(Tuesday) 18:45