Methodology and Tools for Research
Topic outline
This course is given at University of Nantes in the first year of the Data Mining and Knowledge Management Erasmus-Mundus master (DMKM). See for more info.
It is coordinated by Yannick Prié at the University of Nantes. It is aimed at master's students with a scientific background.
The program is the following
- Courses
- Introduction
- Knowledge production and scientific publishing
- Paper reading and writing
- Searching for scientific material
- Research landscape (mostly french), being a researcher
- Future of science
- Patents and information retrieval
- Tutored sessions
- Searching for scientific material, managing references
- Writing papers with Latex and Bibtex
- Writing presentations
- Assigments
- Reviewing papers for a conference program commitee
- Writing a paper on the "Future of science" and presenting it in front of an audience
The majority of the courses and all the students assignements are released as Open Educational Ressources under a CC BY SA 4.0 licence.
If you have any comment on this course, please contact or @yprie on twitter. -
The scoopit associated to the course is a repository of carefully selected web ressources to dive deeper into the subject.
Latex Ressources